Sunday 30 November 2014

Questionnaire Responses

After I created my Questionnaire I was struggling to get any responses for it. So I posted a link in a community page and asked if people would take some time to answer my questions. I was very lucky to then receive over 100 in the first hour. Now after a week of my questionnaire out, I have received 282 responses.

But as I am only using the free version of Survey Monkey I can only view the first 100 responses. However, still this vast amount of responses I got some useful information and also some non helpful information. Unfortunately the non helpful information was either irrelevant or people miss understood my final question.

  • Gender Response: This question got 98 responses as two participants skipped this question. The majority of who took part in my online questionnaire were females. 76 who took part were female, so only 22 males took part.

  • Age Response: This question received 99 responses, meaning one participant skipped this question. Eight of who took part were between the ages of 11-17. Fourteen of who took part were between the ages of 18-25. The rest of the participants were of the ages of 26 and above.

  • Ethnicity Response: This question got 100 responses. Ninety seven who took part were the ethnicity of British White. Two of who took part were the ethnicity of Irish. One participant didn't want to answer the question... Fair Enough

  • Cinema Response: This question involved me asking how often people go to the cinema in the a month. All 100 of the people who took part in the questionnaire answered this question. Ninety seven of who took part go to the cinema 0-3 times a month. Two of who took part go to the cinema 4-7 times a month. Meaning the last one of the participants go to the cinema 8 or more times more a month. 

  • Film Genre Response: I asked this question by giving multiple choices for the participants to answer. The choices were a variety of film genre. The genre choice I gave was; Action, Horror, Comedy, Romance, Comical Romance, Thriller, Sci-Fi and Documentary. This questioned achieved 99 responses meaning one person skipped this question. The top three genres were; comedy we got 34 votes, comical romance which had 16 votes and then then action which achieved 15 votes. The least favourite genre was documentary which got 3 votes. 
  • So the favourite is comedy. Well I haven't planned my film intro to be a comedy so how much people are liking comedy the most.. Sorry it's not happening. The reason why comedy was the favourite out of all of them was because of the majority of the people who took part were female and stereotypically females prefer comedy and romance comedies. So I didn't expect much more than comedy. I won't be doing comedy because comedy is actually one of the hardest genre to create. This is because what some people find funny others might not. Unfortunately not everyone shares the same comical values, so I wouldn't be able to suit everyone's style of comedy. Therefore not making my film intro suited to the audience.

  • Film Start Preference Response: This question involved my asking what type of film intros people prefer. The choice was Film intros that either jump straight into action. Or Film intros that have a story that develops from the start. All 100 participants answered this question. 71 of the participants said that they prefer film intros that develop from the start. Which meant that the other 29 participants prefer film intros that jump straight into action
  • It's good that some prefer film intros that jump straight into action as my film into idea starts off with action. So this means my film intro will suit some of my audience.. Hopefully 

  • Interesting Film Opening Response: For this question I asked what makes a film intro interesting for each individual. I gave them a box which allowed the participant to put any type of response of their choice. This question only received 68 responses, meaning 32 skipped this question. However, this question is the most important so the more the merrier, but not so much in this case. Never mind. Unfortunately not all responses were as helpful. This was either because of people miss-understanding the question which was asked. As they answered saying what makes a whole film interesting and not just the intro. Other unhelpful answers were just people putting something.. To be funny. But trust me having Anal sex as an answer isn't as helpful as you'd think. Hey, ho there could be worse. So by carefully looking through and analysing all the responses, these are some examples of what I gained:
  • A films intro has to have some excitement! Even if it's to introduce people to the film, make their entrance exciting so viewers are captured from the beginning!
  • I like it when a film starts further into the story and then goes into flash back to tell the story or when the into quickly sets the scene and the characters.
  • How it builds on the story of the film introducing you to the ethos of the film, the characters or back story so you can know some of the basic story.
  • The film needs to very quickly do what the genre says it should. If I see a comedy I want to laugh in the intro, horror I want to jump etc.
From reading this information I can see that some audiences prefer a film intro stick to it's genre like glue. From start to finish. Also some people don't want too much to be given away, yet enough to know what the film is about. Now with this information I will be able to use this as a reference and a guide when creating my own film intro.

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