Friday 27 February 2015

Evaluation Questions 6 and 7

Evaluation Question 5

How did you attract /address your audience?

I attracted my audience by challenging the traditional conventions as usually films contain a male antagonist. However, my film contains a Female antagonist.

Another way that I attracted my audience was with the way that I built up the tension. I created psychological fear and anticipation through the use close ups and the focus on the torture items.

I used tension with the amount of long silence before the first dialogue of the female antagonist.

Evaluation Question 4

Who Would Be The Audience For Your Media Product?

My original film would aspire more to a male audience. I’d expect tat their age would range from 15 to 50. I say this, as at the age fifteen horror and action are the most popular type of film genres. Then the interest of these genres continues up to around the age of 50.

My film would mainly attract those who have a great interest in the darker side of action films. This is because my film opening consists of torture and “hair raising” moments.  

My film would be classified as a 15 by the British classification organisation because it contains violence that some viewers may find disturbing.

Evaluation Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your film and why?

There are different institutions that would distribute my film for different reasons.

20th Century Fox

This company would distribute my film because many films distributed by this institution are mainly thrillers and action films, for example 'X Men' and 'The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen . Both these films are full of action and there lots of suspense built up throughout. This relates to my film opening because of the suspense which is built and the actions that take place within them.


This company would distribute my film because the a lot of films that Icon has distributed share similar genre to what my film is. My film shows aspects of suspense, thriller and slight effects of horror. Films that Icon have released such as 'Drive', ''Buried' and 'Black Sheep' all share similar factors that my film has within it.

Evaluation Questions 1 and 2

This is questions 1 and 2 of my Media Evaluation. I created a PowerPoint and then uploaded it to SlideShare below:

Main Project Feedback


When I presented my film to an audience I received important feedback that would help my film become of better quality to watch and enjoy.

The Comments:
  • The music needs to play throughout the entire film and become quieter when the two characters are talking.

  • The sound effects for the items being placed on the the step ladders need to be better quality and but also be a better represented sound. 

  • Change the placement of the title of the film or even put it on a black screen.

  • Change or get rid of the iron sound and only use a screaming/ in pain sound.

Thursday 26 February 2015

Main Project 1st attempt

Here is my first attempt of my main project finally put together.

Film Story Board

Here is my story board for my film. It contains the shots that I will use and what will vaguely happen 

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Taken - Torture Scene

(Excuse the French, this was the best quality image)

Before I start my film I need to look into previous torture scenes used with films so that I can have an understanding of how they created suspense and dark mood.


The torture scene within Taken creates a dark and disturbing mood through the use different factors. First the pace of the scene is very quick, it gets the audience involved straight away and creates a main focus. The pace makes it a dark mood as the protagonist takes no time to stop and has a continuous goal to achieve.

A disturbing atmosphere is created through the uncommon use of the electricity. It comes to a shock (sorry for the pun) to the audience as this is a very dark and surprising form of torture. It creates a sense of fear and a strong emotion of anger, as the protagonist taunts the other male by clanging the rods together before he rapidly plunges them into his legs.

As an audience we see the emotional anger from the protagonist through the use of close ups. We also see the same from the other male but we see fear.

The tortures scene ends with the male screaming in pain as he continuously gets electrocuted. This creates a dark mood and shows the anger in which the protagonist is feeling as he doesn't care about the other mans life.

My Project Idea

Main Project Idea

After receiving my audience information and doing research into film openings I have decided to create a two  minute film opening to a action/ horror thriller. I've got the idea of creating a suspense and psychological torture scene. The scene will involve a female antagonist who is questioning and playing with the other characters mind (male)

I will use a mixture of  camera shots that will create a mood of the shocking kind but also camera shots that will allow the audience to get an understanding of the personalities and feelings of the two characters.

I will be filming in two different locations. The first location which the film will show is a walk to a an industrial state, which will lead to a outer building. Then the second location will be a garage will a brick wall background. This will look like the interior of the outer building seen in the previous cuts.

The film will consist of the female antagonist creating psychological effect by using house hold items as a form of torture. She will create suspense by bringing items out of a bag and showing enjoyment with each use of the item.

I plan for these items to be such things as a screwdriver, hammer, pocket knife and an iron. These items will hopefully create an uncomfortable feeling and show the intensity of the dark mood.